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Jokes Said In The Field

"I'm not saying I'm attractive, but when I strip down and go into the bathroom, I turn the shower on."


"I ate a kid’s meal at McDonalds today. His mom got really angry."


So many people dont know this but inside of cereal boxes there is a massive party because all the cherios know that soon they are going to die. At the top of the box is where all the party cherios go because they know they are going to die next. One night this little crumb decides he doesnt want to prolong the enevitable and go party at the top. So he claws his way to the top and there are cherios partying everywear. 
This little crumb meets up with a whole cherio and they are quick friends. the whole cherio desices to show this little crumb the ropes.

Crumb: "Hey what is there to do around here"
Whole cherio "Oh man its packed up here but we can wait in line for the Roller coaster, or we can go over there to the bumper cars, or the Dancing line is super long that club is probably bumping!"

The crumb and the whole cherio choose to go dancing and they have a blast doing some Hiphop Ballet Fussion.

After dancing the night away and mourning coming soon and going to be dead soon they stop to get a last meal.

Crumb says, "man I am starving lets get a bite to eat"
The Whole cherio leads them to the food court tent and inside they see all these food carts with difrent cherios ordering food. There was Hamberger line, A pizza line, And a Salad line.
The crumb says "We might die soon and the piza line looks pretty short lets grab a slice."

So the crumb buys a slice of pinapple and the whole cherio buys a slice of cheese. 

After eating their Pizza and having danced all night they were both parched.
The whole cherio says, "hey you stay here and enjoy your last moments alive and Im gona grab a drink, want anything the food court has Water, Soda, and The line for the bar is pretty long but im gona get a whisky sour what do you want?"
The crumb says, "I was realy in the mood for some fruit Punch as my last drink"
The whole Cherio says, "ah Im sorry, there is no Punch Line"


What happens if someone slaps you at a high frequency? It hertz


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